
Jewelry made from amber has been found in Northern European tombs dating from 8000 B.C. making it one of the oldest forms of jewelry.

Centuries ago when the earth was much warmer, the great pine forests of Northern Europe grew in profusion, their trees oozing a resin similar to cherry gum which was broken off by frost and time to be swept into the sea where it hardened and, in the Spring, was thrown up on the shorelines. Bees, flies, mosquitoes and other insects as well as seeds and leaves were trapped in the soft, sticky resin as it fell from the trees, to remain there forever. These pieces are the most valuable and much sought after by collecectors, scientists and natural history museums.

Ancient tribes marveled at the stone and its warmth believing it to be solidified sunshine, others thought it was the petrified tears of the gods and, in later years, it became a great trading medium for the Poles as the Romans and Phoenicians believed it warded off evil spirits. It was made into jewelry and used to decorate swords and weaponry and carried into battle as an aid to winning, even being entwined in the horse's mane and tail. It shone in an unusual way and when rubbed had a pleasant scent making it much sought after by the Greeks, Romans and people of the time who called it "Northern Gold."

It occurs in colors ranging from nearly white to yellow to brown; green is rarer and blue, black and red are very rare. Trapped gas and air bubbles contribute to its beautiful luster and translucency, (opacity.) Its value and quality is judged by its clarity, shine, beauty of color and its inclusions. Being 40 - 60 million years old, it is perhaps the oldest window to our past.

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