Stone's names: Onyx, Sardonyx (with white and brown bands).
Color: The layers in these stones range from translucent to opaque for sardonyx. The stones vary in color, too. They may be white or gray, ranging to many colorful varieties. Sardonyx stones usually contain flat-banded, white and brownish-red bands. Onyx is a gemstone with alternating light and dark bands, which are colored in brown, red, black, white and grey.
Description: SiO2 Onyx is
striped, semiprecious variety of the silica mineral agate with white and black, brown or
red alternating bands. Its properties are the same as those of quartz.
Birthstone: Sardonyx is the birthstone of Leo (Lion): July
23 - Aug 22.
Wedding anniversary: Onyx is the anniversary gemstone for
the 7th year of marriage.
Black Onyx is the anniversary gemstone for the 10th year of marriage.
The name's origin: The word
Sardonyx is derived from the Greek, Sard meaning "reddish brown," and onyx
meaning "veined gem."
Varieties: Varieties of onyx include carnelian onyx, with white
and red bands, and sardonyx, with white and brown bands.
Care and treatment: Onyx may chip or scratch rather easily,
so store onyx carefully and never allow two specimens to touch each other.
From the stone history: The name onyx was used by the Romans
for a variety of stones including alabaster, chalcedony, and what is now known as onyx
marble. Roman soldiers wore sardonyx talismans engraved with heroes such as Hercules or
Mars, god of war. They believed that the stone would make the wearer as brave and daring
as the figured carved on it. During the Renaissance, sardonyx was believed to bring
eloquence upon the wearer and was regarded with great value by public speakers and
Cameos are cut from stones, such as onyx, sardonix or agate, where different colors occur
in layers. The background material is cut away, leaving the cameo design in relief. Onyx
is also used in intaglios because its layers can be cut to show a color contrast between
the design and the background.
Sardonyx at one time was more precious than gold, silver, or sapphire. Sardonyx is always
widely used in cameos and intaglios.
Shopping guide: Onyx is a rich-looking, affordable gemstone.
It is often mixed with pearls to create elegant jewelry. Treated agate is often sold as
Black Onyx.
Healing ability: Onix is used as a heart, kidney, nerve,
capillary, hair, eye and nail strengthener. Onyx is said to help one sleep. This gemstone
helps to eliminate apathy, stress and neurological disorders.
Mystical power: This gemstone eliminates negative thinking,
it is also believed to sharpen the wits of the wearer. Onyx is said to bring spiritual
inspiration. It is a great assistance in holding emotions and passions under control.
Black Onyx is used to help one change habits.
Deposits: The chief localities of onyx are India and South